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Terms and conditions 




Young Explorers reserves the right to terminate your child’s place immediately at the holiday camp in the event that any fees remain unpaid or where any of the terms and conditions are breached.




Communication with parents is by email and phone so do check your inbox regularly for information and updates. Please make sure therefore that we are added to your address book so that our messages do not go into spam by mistake. Parents feedback and comments are used in the form of online testimonials, should you wish to object to this please let it be known at the time of enrolment.




We are unable to hold a child’s place. A place will be confirmed after the initial offer in line with our admissions policy and upon receipt of the enrolment fee.


Changes to sessions


If you wish to either decrease or increase days, then please note that you will be required to give at least a week’s notice. All requests for changes to sessions are also subject to our availability of places.


Swapping days


Please note, swapping your child’s days of attendance is not permitted unless approved by a manager.




Please provide children with healthy energy boosting meals and snacks. All food must be free from nuts and safe to eat at room temperature. We advise parents to provide children with vegetarian foods only as we will not always have heating facilities available.
there should be one lunch meal, two snacks and a water bottle provided.




Parents should ensure that their children arrive in appropriate day clothes and bring a full spare set of clothes. We will provide all families with a recommended kit list sent to your email and this is also available on our website. In colder weather, We recommend thermals, long sleeves , a raincoat and wellington boots when it’s raining. We advise all clothing to be labelled, Young Explorers cannot accept responsibility for any lost or damaged property.


Sickness / Absence:


Children who have, or develop, an infectious illness must be excluded from holiday camp for a minimum of 48 hours. This is in the best interest of the child and the other children, and complies with regulations set out by the Environmental Health Department. Please notify us of all absences.

We are sorry to say that sickness or absence from Young Explorers does not qualify for a reduction in fees.

Children may not attend the holiday camp if they have:



·Any infectious illness

Any unknown rashes;

·If they are unwell, e.g. not able to join in activities or require 1:1 care;

·If they are dependent on liquid paracetamol;

·Within 24 hours of the first dose of any medication not ever previously taken, and may not return until the condition is diagnosed by a physician who certifies they are able to attend.


Children who become ill while in our care will be looked after until parents can be contacted to take them home. Parents will be notified immediately at the first signs of any illness. If a parent cannot be contacted, we will contact NHS direct and act upon the advice they provide. If possible we will endeavour to contact the child’s named GP. In the event of an emergency the child will be taken to the nearest hospital, accompanied by a member of staff from Young Explorers who will act in loco parentis until the parents arrive. We will not administer medication without permission. If your child’s temperature is dangerously high, we would contact an ambulance. In the event of an allergic reaction we would call an ambulance. Parents have the responsibility to keep us informed of any changes in any contact numbers and addresses, or any changes in your child’s medical condition or GP.

Should your child require regular medication to be administered during the hours he/she is in our care at Young Explorers you will need to complete all necessary paperwork in line with our policies. The medication must be prescribed by a doctor and be clearly labelled to include your child’s name and the required dosage. You must take the medication home at the end of each day (we cannot keep any medications on site).
We ensure that there is always a number of staff fully trained in first aid and health and safety.




Late collection


Young Explorers closes promptly at 4:30pm. Any parent who is unable to collect at the correct time must inform us immediately, so we are able to staff accordingly. Whilst we have a legal responsibility to ensure that a child is looked after if a parent is not in time to collect a child, we are only registered to have children on the premises from 9:30am to 4:30pm.

Early drop-offs or late collections impact on our statutory ratios and our registration. In the case of late collection of your child, a late collection fee of £10 and then £1 per minute thereafter will be applied. This late collection fee goes directly to the educators who have had to remain behind after their shift has finished as compensation. Payment should ideally be made in cash to the educators on the day.


Collection security


For security reasons, your child may only be collected by those individuals you have listed on the registration form. Any changes to these named contacts can only be accepted in writing, in advance, and the new named alternate contact must introduce themselves, with identification, to the member of staff.

Children will only be released to named contacts on provision of a password as provided by you. We will never permit a child to leave the premises unaccompanied or with an unauthorised person.
Only in the event of an emergency will we allow your child to be collected by an alternative individual who has not been designated as a named contact. In this instance, the parent must first provide the holiday camp with a the full name of the emergency contact, and agree a special password (different to the normal password) with the holiday camp in advance. The emergency contact must bring valid identification. Finally, we will not permit a child to be collected by an authorized, named contact or alternate, if they appear to be unfit to provide for the child’s safety, or appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


Safeguarding and Child Protection


We follow the guidelines set by the local authority on safeguarding children and child protection at all times. Our first priority is towards the children in our care. In any instance of suspected child abuseor neglect we will deal with the matter first in the holiday camp and then with Local Authority Safeguarding if necessary. This is a legal requirement for the holiday camp, and we must ask you to read our policy documents and sign them.




We are open during all the school breaks following holidays, these are subject to change depending on the time of the year.

If the holiday days fall on a bank holiday, we will still keep the holiday camp open.

Emergency closure


Young Explorers endeavour to remain open at all times during the defined holidays. In the event of severe weather conditions or where the holiday camp has to close totally or partially for other reasons (e.g. illness epidemic), parents will be contacted by the setting, by phone, email or text message, asking them to collect their child/children. Where the holiday camp has closed please ensure that you have confirmed with the staff that the camp will be open the following day before bringing your child back in. In the event of inclement weather, we will open the camp if we can get staff in –but we may have to offer a limited number of spaces, based on available and expected staff. This would be done on a first come, first served basis. We may also need to ask parents to make arrangements to collect their children early in such an eventuality.

Young Explorers cannot provide refunds to parents for emergency closure, as we still need to pay staff, and such events are deemed to be force majeure. We understand that it is inconvenient, and potentially costly, and will endeavour to do our reasonable best to make sure that this does not happen.


Review of terms and conditions


We reserve the right to alter our terms and conditions at any time. In this instance, you would receive written notification regarding new terms and conditions.


registration and cancellation 


An additional £50 registration fee per child application. this is calculated as a deposit. 


payments must be made in full before to reserve a space for your child. 


we offer a 10% second sibling discount 


All charges are inclusive of activities and transportation. Children must bring their own lunch and snacks. 


All Payments and applications must be completed before enrolling. 


Please ensure that campers are dressed appropriately keeping the weather in mind. we advise parents to ensure their children have a spare change of clothing.


All our activities can be subject to change depending, this is at the description of the managers.


should your child not attend an activity on the timetable, this can not be replaced with another activity. 


If you give us less than 28 days’ notice before the date(s) you would like to cancel, no refund is available. 

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